Thrive Like A Parent
This podcast is different from all the other parenting podcasts you’ve seen. Dr. B gets real and open about the true struggles of parenthood. It’ll be messy, entertaining, educational and real! No quick band aid fixes but an authentic journey to THRIVING in parenthood. Think of Dr. B as a personal trainer for your brain. Cause this sh*t is REAL. She specializes in neuroscience based sensory and emotional regulation. But the good news is you don’t have to be a neuro science geek to learn all the brilliant tips and tricks to make your life so much easier in parenthood * New episode every Friday.
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
EP:54 Although being sensory seeking can be difficult at times.. You're feeling, hearing, seeing and tasting everything that most others are not. The stimuli can be overwhelming...But it can also be a beautiful benefit, personality trait and neurological trait that can support you and your life and help you find your magic, help you find what you're best at and your strengths.
Your sensory sensitivity is not a weakness friend, it’s your superpower!
After you listen to this podcast, if you have any more questions on this or are interested in working with myself or my team and get support in truly understanding how to support your brain please reach out. Let's chat, because you deserve to live a full life that support your individual nervous system and you absolutely CAN HAVE THAT.
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
EP:53 It has officially been one year since I've started my Thrive Like a Parent podcast!!!
I am so grateful that you have chosen to trust me.
That's why I push so hard to make sure that this is done the correct way.
Thank you for trusting me in supporting you and giving you the knowledge to understand how your brain functions, how your children's brain functions and how to support both.
I can't thank you enough for your love and support for myself, my family and my children.
#thrivelikeaparent #podcast #newepisode #threads #parentlife #1yearoldpodcast #anniversary #thrivelikeamother #sensoryregulation #brainstimulation #sensoryregulation #emotionalregulation #nervoussystem #nervoussystemhealing #stimulation #brainhealth
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
EP:52 On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent Podcast, I was fortunate to be joined by Dr. Morgan to discuss her book coming out called Love Your Kids Without Loosing Yourself in the Process.
I was very lucky, I got a little preview. We will discuss a few things in it and a little teaser for all of you listening to my podcast to hear kind of what to expect.
I personally cannot tell you enough positive things about this book and I would love for all of you to grab yourself a copy because Dr. Morgan could not be more on the money with this book.
#thrivelikeaparent #podcast #newepisode #threads #parentlife #parentwithoutfear #techandchildhood #thrivelikeamother #sensoryregulation #brainstimulation #technologydetox #enoughisenough #livinginreality #sensoryregulation #emotionalregulation #nervoussystem #nervoussystemhealing #stimulation #brainhealth
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
EP:51 On this weeks episode of Thrive like a Parent podcast we will talk steps and signs of what happens when you finally begin the process of feeling your body come out of fight or flight. And it is so crucially important to understand this because you it's going to feel not as good as you want it to feel.
is so crucially important to have this knowledge so that you don't spiral. That you don't think you're in a deep dark depression so that you don't think it's never going to end so that you know that your brain is doing exactly what it needs to do.
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
EP:50 This week I decided to do something a little different on my Thrive Like a Parent podcast.
I want to say thank you to each and every one of you who trust me to support you through this crazy journey of life and dm me your questions.
I know I don’t have the time to answer all of your questions but I will do the best I can to do that in these podcast episodes.
Tell us how you're liking the podcast in the comments below, ask questions here! This will be the easiest place for me to see them.
-> If you have any requests on specific topics let me know in the comments below.
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
EP:49 We can support our brain into rewiring.
We can support our brain into healing.
We can support our brain into gaining more fluency within each different portion of our brain.
Your brain might push and resist away from saying the hard emotional things because your brains not used to it NOT because it can't. It's just that muscle has not been flexed enough.
That is why it is so important to teach our children how to understand feelings, what they are and how to verbalize them.
It is our responsibility as parents to teach our children this consistentely within the safely of our home so they can continue to do the same out in the world.
Join me on this weeks episode of Thrive Like a Parent to learn how to teach your children feelings.
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
EP:48 I have officially been diagnosed with Hashimotos.
It's an autoimmune disease, where your thyroid can bounce into hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.
It's been a hard one, it's been a real hard one to swallow.
But this will now be part of my story that I share with you and hopefully share my healing journey of what this looks like and how I am stepping in to supporting myself even more. And at the end of the day. It first and foremost starts with me on apologetically, taking care of myself.
So I choose to move forward with the awareness, with more knowledge, more grace, more understanding, more self love, and more healing. Because at the end of the day, health is the most important thing. Mental and physical. So take this today as a reminder to slow down. Take care of yourself.
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
EP:47 Technology is sucking the money out of the world. It's absolutely crazy. And so many are going along with it.
It's so upsetting to me. It's so upsetting for our future generations and our children. This is not what I signed up for when I decided to have a family and have kids.
we've got to start living in reality and teaching our children that reality exists. And what that reality looks like is up to you to decide. You get to decide what this life looks like for your children, what you have them engage in and what you have them not engaged in.
On this weeks episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast, we will dive deep into how our choices will help dictate the next generation.
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
EP:46 The first number one step to taking care of yourself within the exhaustion of parenthood is awareness, and acceptance.
Ask yourself… How do I feel? It is ok for the answer to be I feel exhausted. You get to feel that feeling. Exhausted does not mean you're weak. Feeling exhausted does not mean that you're a bad parent. Feeling exhausted means you're probably doing a phenomenal job.
When you accept how your brain and body is feeling, you are then allowed to go after the mental health that your brain and body is craving deserves and longs for.
But in order to truly support ourselves, not only do we have to have the awareness and acceptance, but we have to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. We have to learn how to regulate ourselves.
You are so worthy of finding that self care, you are so worthy of gaining support, no matter who it is. You are so worthy of finding a community, you're so worthy of asking someone for support, you're so worthy of having a moment of silence or just to stretch before you go to bed. You are so so worthy of that. But I cannot give that to you. You have to decide for yourself.
This week on the Thrive Like a Parent podcast, we are going to discuss owning your exhaustion in parenthood and steps to take care of yourself through it without any guilt or shame.
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
EP:45 When there is a transition, your brain is feeling discomfort.
We as parents have to support a child's brain into helping them become aware of the discomfort.
We have to guide them through the process of helping them BECOME AWARE, having lots of conversations.
There's no cure here. There's support. We cannot fix immediately, we have to support over the long haul. And consistency is key.
On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent, I dive deep into how to support your child through transitions, teach them to continue allowing their brain to say, I'm going to keep going despite the discomfort, I'm going to keep going despite the fear, I'm going to keep going despite the lack of knowledge of where the where the heck this is leading me to and set them up for success.