Thrive Like A Parent

This podcast is different from all the other parenting podcasts you’ve seen. Dr. B gets real and open about the true struggles of parenthood. It’ll be messy, entertaining, educational and real! No quick band aid fixes but an authentic journey to THRIVING in parenthood. Think of Dr. B as a personal trainer for your brain. Cause this sh*t is REAL. She specializes in neuroscience based sensory and emotional regulation. But the good news is you don’t have to be a neuro science geek to learn all the brilliant tips and tricks to make your life so much easier in parenthood * New episode every Friday.

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Friday Nov 11, 2022

EP:11 Join Dr. B on this episode to talk about having the hard conversations with our children about the uncomfortable things.
Dr. B first had to tell her children and use the word divorce. Mommy and daddy are getting a divorce. That wasn't so easy. Then she had to navigate having to tell her children that daddy died. Daddy's gone.
There are so many other difficult conversations that come up for us as parents, that is why it is so important for you as a parent to understand how to approach those conversations.
We don't give their little brains enough credit for all the resiliency and all the unimaginable strength that they have as little humans, it's my biggest belief that our brain needs time to heal.
The reason Dr.B created the model of how she teaches you sensory neuro based parenting is because she wants your child's whole brain to be taken care of, on the logic and emotional brain side. Which means she wants our children to know boundaries, see them, understand them, respect them, and also be able to have them themselves.
Dr. B wants her children to know that no matter what, they can ALWAYS talk to her. And if we don't share the discomfort and show and model to our children that uncomfortable conversations are okay, they can take place and we are going to survive through them. It allows their brain at a very early age to find that resiliency within their brain to get through hard conversations.
Tune in with Dr. B as she shares personal stories about some heartbreakingly hard conversations she's had with her own kids.

Friday Nov 04, 2022

EP:10 Dr. B is going to talk to you today about HOW to get our kids to listen and WHY they don't listen. This is actually a two part kind of conversation.
What Dr. B will dive deep into with you today is NOT just how to understand how to get your kids to listen, but the reason WHY.
WHY ARE THEY NOT LISTENING?!!! That makes you want to pull your hair out right?! Dr.B knows it makes you want to literally run. Run away and just be done. You just can't anymore.
Dr. B will define a huge aspect that's overlooked. Sometimes it;s not that your child is not listening, it is actually COMPLIANCE. Understanding where their brains are at when we're asking them to do something. And Dr. B is going to give you a few tips and tricks and tools of how to help with that compliance.
Rule of thumb is less compliance, less words, if your child's talking a mile a minute and you're like I understand it, and you're trying to talk over them and you're trying to keep going and trying to explain it, that's going to do nothing except for expend a lot of energy on your part.
Join Dr. B on this episode to learn how to save your energy for logical, connective moments with your children. And how to truly connect with your child in those moments.

Friday Oct 28, 2022

EP:9 The reason that Dr. B feels so compelled to share her story is really her why. She wants to be able to process it. And she wants to be able to heal it for herself. And she wants to be able to make sure that she feels very comfortable sharing her personal life, sharing that part of her life with so many.
Dr. B wants the human who goes to bed at night worrying that their partner is going to hurt themselves and wondering how much longer they can go on like this. And the person who loves their partner to death and wants to spend the world with them and is trying and trying and trying and trying and trying and doing anything and everything to help and this and just completely self neglecting themselves. She is not wanting that person to listen to this and run but Dr.B wants this person to find a little sliver for themself.
Dr. B's story is one of love and happiness, manipulation, emotional abuse, strength, courage, trauma, and a naive young girl, but it's okay. It's okay that it's all those things. Because what she's learned through that, and how much she's grown through all of that is unfathomable.
Join her on this episode of her podcast as she begins to tell her story. It’s time to slowly share her story. It’s time to answer some questions. And Dr.B more than ready.

Friday Oct 21, 2022

EP: 8 Join Dr. B to talk about parenthood and doing all the things and being the YES PARENT. Trying to say yes at all costs. Doing it all and feeling just completely spent in the process.
And it's not just Dr. B today, she is so excited to have Maria Gonzalez join her. Maria is one of her support moms, she's currently supporting some of the other women that Dr. B works with today.
You're not going to only get an inside look into what it's been like for Dr. B to start saying no and show up for herself and not be the people pleaser that she feels that she used to be. But you're also going to get to hear from Maria and hear her story as well. You will get to hear from both of us on what it's been like to step away from constantly doo doo doo doo doing in GO SURVIVAL MODE and start finally enjoying their life in a completely different way than you would ever expect.
Join Dr. B and Maria today as they dive deep into this crazy beautiful journey of parenthood.

Friday Oct 14, 2022

EP: 7 Join Dr. B today to talk about when parenting begins to take a toll on your relationship. This is hands down not discussed enough, it is not discussed enough openly. And it is not addressed nearly as much as it should be in terms of the steps we can take in order to either prevent it, or to acknowledge it and support the rift or strain within your dynamic and your personal relationship with your partnership.
Dr. B has been through it all. And she is going to share with you a lot about her partnership today that she has never shared before.
She chose to share it so that you don't feel alone. So that you know that it's okay to struggle, that it's okay for your partnership to struggle. And the lessons that Dr. B learned through one heck of her own partnership. And not only just her partnership, but supporting other parents through their journeys.

Friday Oct 07, 2022

E6: Do you know the difference between a tantrum and meltdown? Yep. That’s right parents! They are different. And understanding the difference matters to how you handle each of them. For yourself and your children. Tune in with Dr. B to learn how to reduce tantrums, support meltdowns, and create resiliency for our littles through emotional regulation skills. The best way to help our children “get over it” is to help them go through it”. Your child is not giving you a hard time. Your child is having a hard time. Remind yourself, I’m doing this now so I don’t have to do this later. Use these tangible step by step actions the next time a tantrum or a meltdown arise.

Friday Sep 30, 2022

E5: Have you ever wondered how to have at all in parenthood? How to fully be yourself step into the most authentic version of who you are? what you want out of your life and how to go get it?
Dr. Brooke Weinstein dives deep into her own personal journey of stepping away from the mask of the costume of who she thought she needed to be and into the light of exactly who she has always destined to become.
Take a journey with Brooke as she tells you about her own life, as well as gives you guidance into the first steps to take into finding yourself in parenthood and showing up as exactly who you are in every single day, no matter the situation you are in. This tremendous effort to explore yourself and dive deep into the most authentic version of yourself, is beautifully expressed. Within Dr. B's emotional ride she takes you on. Enjoy diving deep with Dr. B. as she gets real. Trust me, you don't want to miss it.

Friday Sep 23, 2022

EP4: Dr. B discusses sensory and emotional regulation. However, the key that everyone asks is how to regulate your body period. Dr. B dives deep into all the steps, tips and tricks into what it looks like to begin the process of calming your brain and your body down to step on the brake and step off of the gas leading yourself into a happy, peaceful, calm, present life with your children and your family. Dr. B shares tons of personal stories, experiences, tips and strategies for you to begin the process of regulating your own body from home.

Friday Sep 16, 2022

EP3: Have you ever been curious about why there's a struggle, lots of anxiety, stress and emotions surrounding school time, the packing of the lunches and the news, cool book bags and the first day clothing? and oh, don't forget the perfect picture that can drive a parent wild. Join Dr. B as she dives deep into how to support your brain, your body as well as your children's brain and your body and body through the transition phase of back to school.
You can also watch my topic "Power of Three" in my YouTube Channel.

Friday Sep 09, 2022

EP2: This episode takes you into a deep dive of how Dr. Brooke Weinstein has gotten to this point in her career. Dr. B shares her career journey and life path that has led her to support parents all over the world. From neuroscience to sensory and emotion regulation, she dives deep into why this work that she now offers is so impactful in the life of her own as she has embarked on this widow journey, the lives of her clients and her clients family and down to all the children that are impacted through this work. Listen in as Dr. B takes you on a journey of loss, triumph and highs lows and career shifts and moves as she so longed to impact the lives of children which she now does.
If you've ever been curious as to how Dr. B built her method created her practice and why
her teachings impacted so many, this is the podcast for you.
Dr. Brooke Weinstein
Instagram: @brookeweinst
Youtube: Dr. Brooke Weinstein
TikTok: @brookeweinstein

Dr. Brooke Weinstein

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