Thrive Like A Parent
This podcast is different from all the other parenting podcasts you’ve seen. Dr. B gets real and open about the true struggles of parenthood. It’ll be messy, entertaining, educational and real! No quick band aid fixes but an authentic journey to THRIVING in parenthood. Think of Dr. B as a personal trainer for your brain. Cause this sh*t is REAL. She specializes in neuroscience based sensory and emotional regulation. But the good news is you don’t have to be a neuro science geek to learn all the brilliant tips and tricks to make your life so much easier in parenthood * New episode every Friday.

Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
EP:40 In today's world it has become incredibly hard for humans to slow down.
People are now glorifying hustling and bustling and we seem to be in a constant race against time in juggling numerous responsibilities, roles and keeping up with the daily demands of life.
These days, the busier you are, the more relevant you become and more jobs mean more food on the table.
But what happens when we start contemplating the idea of hitting the brakes and taking things a little slower?
Well, that's when this fear creeps in.
Why? Because slowing down in our society could mean insufficiency, failure, or stagnation.
For most of us, slowing down means less income, missed promotions, and less money for our family's needs.
Deciding to slow down means something important has to be given up.And we don't want that because our brains thrive on structure, stability, and control.Because of this fear, we keep going, we normalize multi-tasking, and we keep on pushing ourselves harder to our limits until we get exhausted, irritable, burnt out, and dysregulated!
But what if I told you that there's another side of that fear that could unlock the door to a happy, confident, satisfied, and joyful living? -- where it's ok to chew slower and walk slower; where it's safe to ride the waves, smell the flowers, and feel settled; where it's guiltless to comfortably lie down on the couch, enjoy, and REST!
So in this week's Thrive Like A Parent podcast episode, let's talk about one of society's most intriguing topics --
The Fear of Slowing Down and Why it's the Key to Enjoying Your Life.
Join me as we start to learn about creating new patterns to slow down your brains and live the life that you truly want for you and your family at a pace that's
good for you and that works for you!
Yes! You can do that!

Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
EP:39 For this week's episode, join me as I talk about one of the things that usually happens at homes that no one really talks about--It's the feeling of being like roommates with your partner.
This situation is so inevitable in every relationship as time goes by. It easily happens; it's somehow bound to happen; and it's absolutely normal.However, it's like a super taboo issue that nobody can comfortably bring up without the fear of being shamed or judged!
Why?? Because we all want to put our best faces in everything, especially with what's happening inside the four corners of our homes! We always want to project that we are so in control at home, especially in front of others. Right??
What usually causes the drift?? Overfamiliarity, too much comfortability, overwhelming tasks, and routines, piled up work, new responsibilities, raising kids, insecurities, lack of intimacy, fear, resentment, and so much more.
While this is a common phenomenon among partnerships, it takes a lot of effort to change this shift. This takes brain rewiring and so much decision making.As we know, matters like this never changes overnight. It needs the key elements of time, communication, and enough vulnerability to be able to see that spark and joy in the relationship again!
All these and more on the Thrive Like A Parent podcast.

Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
EP:38 On this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent I am so excited to be joined by Lolo to discuss my grief journey through another lens. Lolo has been my rock and partner in crime through every step of this.
Lolo has supported me and my boys through an unimaginably tragic time of our lives. I can not be express into words how incredibly grateful I am to Lolo and her husband Chris. I am so thankful for the choice they made to unconditionally support us through this wild ride.
We all need support. We are not meant to go through this journey alone and there is no shame in admitting, seeking and getting what you need, what your brain needs and what you body needs.
Join us as we dive deep into the last three years of our lives.

Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
EP:37 On this week's episode of Thrive Like a Parent Podcast we are getting real about parenthood because the truth is... This shit is hard!
We crave that control and structure and stability within parenthood. That structure stability and control is an illusion, it is not reality, and it does not exist.
Waving the white flag and admitting that this just is what it is. It's going to be ups and downs and highs and lows and that is ok!
There are hard moments, that doesn't mean that you don't love parenting. It doesn't make you a bad parent. Hard moments are just that.. A hard moment. When you finally accept that it's just a moment and release the guilt and shame... Happiness, joy, peace, calm and acceptance will start flooding in.
And you can have that. You are worthy of that!

Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
EP:36 I am soooo excited to be joined by the one and only @thetireddad or otherwise known as Jon Gustin on this week’s episode of Thrive Like a Parent podcast.
I was so incredibly drawn to Jon because of his vulnerability, and his willingness to put his healing journey out there from day one and I am so grateful to be able to bring his perspective to all of you.
We will diving in deep into dad life and the struggles and challenges that are so very much not talked about enough!
“Vulnerability opens up so many conversations and gives voices to so many people that didn't have the courage or were scared to step out.” -Jon
Join us as we discuss parenthood struggles, mental health, substance abuse and so much more.

Friday Apr 28, 2023
Friday Apr 28, 2023
EP:35 Whether we're sensory seekers or sensory avoiders, we always have those days when we're triggered by noise in all forms-- be it from crying babies, whining and bickering toddlers, fighting siblings, or even just from playing kids while in the bathtub. Does that make us broken? Does that make us bad parents?
Definitely not! There are noises that we just can't tolerate!!! That's just how our brain is wired and programmed.
And until we have awareness on what's going on inside, we will never have clarity and understanding of why certain things easily trigger us.
Being mindful of how our brains tick will absolutely help us in finding the right tools for us to regulate every time we are over functioning and overstimulated.
So even when the noise is just overwhelming, we can recognize what our brains and bodies need and remind that we are in a safe space. You can give your body what it’s craving without any guilt, shame, and fear because our nervous system knows that it is safe and OK!
All these and more on this week's episode in Thrive Like a Parent podcast.

Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
EP:34 On this weeks episode of Thrive Like a Parent Podcast I want to talk to you about literally the most asked question of all time… And that question is, can I be a seeker and an avoider?
The answer is YES. 10000% YES.
There’s a whole spectrum of feelings and emotions and lots of hormones that are being pushed through the body.
The ability to train your brain into understanding how to support it in that moment of how do I feel? Where do I feel in my body? What do I need? How do I how do I go get it is beyond life changing.
What we ultimately want is to find a balance between seeking and avoiding.
What we want is to ultimately find a balance within regulation and get out of survival mode.
we should be supporting our nervous system on a daily basis, on a regular basis.
It is ok to be both… The shift between seeking and avoiding depends on how regulated you are and what your brain and body can tolerate at the time. If you’re living in a state of survival… If you’re living in fight or flight.. You’re probably going to be a lot more sensitive to stimuli. Because your brain and body is on alert.
We’re living in our vessels and our bodies without completely understanding how they function. And that’s what’s leading to so much mental health disorders is the lack of awareness.
What if it’s not that you’re broken? What if it’s that you just need a little bit of support, and knowledge?
If you want that for yourself, if you want that for your children, if you’re wanting so desperately to understand your child better, if you’re wanting to be able to support them in a way that you know, you can trust because it’s with a neurological lens…. Apply for Thrive starting in September. I promise you it will be worth it. Because it changed my life.

Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
EP:33 Observing your child is key to determine what extracurriculars are best for them. As parents we have to know how our child's brain ticks.
Finding out what activities our children enjoy would help us figure out how to help them regulate their brains on a daily basis.
Extracurricular activities are effective tools in regulating your childs’s nervous system that will last a lifetime.
Swimming. Dancing. Ball games. Martial Arts. Playing musical instruments .Anything that has lots of movements in it. Anything that they enjoy doing!
We don’t need them to win. We don't need to be too competitive.
We only need to show up and watch our children do things that are healthy for their brains and bodies!

Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
EP:32 This week on Thrive Like a Parent Podcast, we're going to be talking about rage. Rage in parenthood, mom rage and even rage that shows up with our children.
I am joined by Maria Gonzalez, who is an incredible member of my team. She is a huge part in supporting allll the parents in our community.
This is a hot topic in our community. Is it ok to rage? Is it okay for our children to rage? Should we allow it?
We are going to dive deep into what that means neurologically and emotionally.
Rage is a complete loss of control, a disconnect between your ability to regulate and needing to move through these big emotions. Rage stems from UNMET NEEDS. You are not broken.
It is your brain fighting for what it needs.
Tune in with us as we go through real-life examples from our own lives and how we ourselves have moved through recognizing those emotions and regulating them.

Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
EP31: On this week’s episode of Throve4 Like a Parent podcast, we are going to talk about raising strong-willed children…They are going to test you like none other to the point where you are literally wanting to pull your hair out.You absolutely will be exhausted, you absolutely will lose your shit. You will snap, AND THAT IS OK!However, there is a way to honor their feelings because their feelings absolutely do matter but still set boundaries… You are in the driver's seat.Trust in your abilities. Trust that you are doing this for your children, and you are doing this to support your child and you're doing this because you love yourself and you are also in this dynamic as well living in this home. Everyone matters. Everyone matters in this situation. Every single one of you in that home. It's okay for you to accept that you matter. And so please take care of yourself. Please support your brain and body, not just your children's.Tune in with me on this week's episode to talk about setting boundaries and supporting our children's emotions while remaining in the driver's seat.